The Edridge Fund of Napo
Mission Statement, Aims and Objectives
Our Mission Statement
Helping probation and family court staff in times of need
• To ensure that Edridge reaches all in need in probation and family courts, including retired staff and dependants
• Ensure that Edridge is well-known to all involved in probation and family court work as the charity for the sector
Objectives for 2020 – 2024
- Continue to sustain and build a positive relationship with NAPO to achieve Aims.
- Continue to promote the 50/50 lottery and regular donations as a means of contributing towards Edridge
- Ensure maximum awareness of the Edridge Fund through submission of articles for Napo news
- Monitor grant levels to ensure that they correspond with needs
- Maintain the website to keep it appealing and informative
- Raise profile by increasing level of visibility in Probation and Family Courts.
- Annual review of decision-making,
- Complete list of sources for Trustees to be enabled to suggest other referrals,
- Develop links between Reps and Trustees,
- Increase number of Edridge Reps.
Business Plan and Objectives 2022 – 2024
Service Delivery
We will
• Delivery a timely response to all applicants to the Fund
• Handle all personal information sensitively and securely
• Provide an explanation to those applicants where a grant is refused
• Provide additional information on alternative sources of assistance to all applicants
We will
• Abide by financial protocols
• Maximise income
• Produce a balanced budget
We will
• Maintain a viable compliment of Trustees
• Provide support and supervision to all staff
• Maintain records and provide reports in line with the requirements of both Napo and the Charity Commission
• Maintain and build relationships with key partner organisations
1. To provide a response to all applicants within 3 weeks of receipt in 95% cases
2. To have named representatives in 100% of Napo branches
3. To maintain governance costs at 10% or below of annual grant income
Key risks and mitigating factors
- Reduction in grant revenue from parent organisation.
Mitigating factors would be
- Identifying and securing grants from other relevant organisations
- Increasing donations from members
- Supporting fundraising activities within branches
- Maximising fundraising at Napo AGM
- To increase named representatives by 20%.
Mitigating factors would be
- Increase awareness of Edridge in regional offices
- Provide immediate advice and support to potential applicants
- Increase in demand/level of need from applicants.
Mitigating factors would be
- Review of and utilisation of Fund reserves
- Signposting applicants to additional sources of support
Document revised: March 2022